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Apple insider confirms the legitimcy of the leaked MBP casing; 애플 인사이더 Now what looked authentic MBP casing just got more authentic with the confirmation from Appleinsider.com. According to their report people who has seen testing units confirmed that this is indeed the casing but this design is in fact few revisions behind what Apple is testing right now in their labs. With this details, Appleinsider also added that there will be 'something special' about this red.. 2008. 7. 10.
Korean Macbook Pros and Airport Extreme; 한국향 맥북프로와 에어포트 익스트림 Equipments: Airport Extreme Gigabit Ethernet US Version coupled with Airport Extreme Card(Asia Pacific) 기기: 미국향 에어포트 익스트림 기가비트 이더넷과 아시아 퍼시픽용 에어포트 익스트림 Prior to October 2007, Korean Macbook Pro was limited to the 130Mbps in 802.11n mode. This was due to the regulatory restriction limiting certain frequency. Apparently UK has similar law in place to date still and also limited in speed. However, K.. 2008. 7. 9.
Korean Songs in iTunes Music Store For some unknown reason, there are few Korean Albums flying about in iTunes Store. Apparently these seems to be classified as 'World Music' and does not seem to be due to the fact that label company is of American origin(Eg. Universal, EMI etc.) 아시는 분들은 아시겠지만 상당수의 한국노래가 아이튠즈로 구매가 가능합니다. 물론 최신곡도 아니고 나오자마자 업데이트되는 것도 아니기때문에 정말로 판다고 하기는 조금 그렇기는 합니다. 노래들자체는 ''월드 뮤직"식으로 분류가 되는 듯 하며, 음반회사가 미국계회사라서라기 보다.. 2008. 7. 9.
Time Machine: USB or WIFI; You can only choose one. 타임머신: USB 혹은 와이파이, 하나만 고르세요~ http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/04/02/exploring_time_capsule_time_machine_over_the_network_vs_usb.html UPDATE: It is possible to go from backing up on Ethernet to Backing Up on USB but not the other way around. As long as you start backing up with ethernet way you connect to your external HDD does not matter. 네트워크로 백업 한뒤 USB로 바꾸는 것은 상관이 없군요. 즉 호환성을 유지하고 싶으시면 처음에 이더넷과 같은 네트워크로 백업 하신뒤 그다음부.. 2008. 7. 9.