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Singapore Airline operates first all-business class flight with iPod integration. 싱가폴 에어라인 전좌석 비즈니스석 항공기 운행

by puercaeli 2008. 5. 15.



소위 중국/홍콩 이상을 넘어가는 국가의 항공사들은 미주노선이 대부분 초장거리 노선이 되버립니다. 이런 초장거리 노선의 그런 항공사로는 싱가폴항공과 타이항공이 있는데요, 이 노선을 가능하게한 A340-500도입이후 두 항공사 모두 그다지 짭잘한 수입은 보지 못했습니다. 심지어 이러한 장거리 노선을 더욱더 경제적으로 운항가능하게한 777-200LR 등장이후에도 양 항공사모두 별관심을 표명하지 않음으로서 이 노선이 구지 있는 항공기까지 바꿔가면서 운항할만한 노선이 아니라는 것은 거의 확실시 되었습니다.

이러한 노선의 저수익성의 요인으로는 일반승객이 구입하기에는 비싼 요금 그리고 대부분의 승객들이 기피하는 긴 비행시간이 있지만, 여전히 비즈니스 승객들의 요구는 지속적인 편인 것으로 알려져왔습니다. 따라서 싱가폴 항공의 이번에 모든 논스톱 미주 장거리 노선을 비즈니스석으로 교체한데에는 이러한 이유가 크다고 할 수 있습니다. 이 계획의 일환으로 개조된 A340-500은 오늘 11시에 편명 SQ22으로 첫 운항을 이미 시작 하였습니다.


Photo Courtesy of AirTeamImages

Most direct non-stop operations from countries beyond China/Hong kong area to America often becomes Ultra-Long Haul(ULR) flight. Airline who operates such sector includes Singapore Airlines and Thai International Airways. These airlines did not see much profit as they initially expected it to be. This fact is well demonstrated by two airlines not so eager response on, more efficient than A340-500, Boeing 777-200LR.

Main reasons for such under-performance of this sector was probably due to the long flight hours which not many people enjoy and its sheer cost. Thus there has been more demand coming from business sector than personal/tourist sector. This fact seem to lead Singapore Airlines to introduce all-new all-business class service for this long haul sector.(also the rising fuel price possibly) The first of such flight took off today at 11:00 Singapore time as SQ022 bound for EWR.

Still operating with A340-500, Singapore Airlines installed new business class with 1-2-1 layout and new iPod integration feature(support for iPhone meaning iPod Touch is also compatible; IFE is supplied by Panasonic). iPod integration in IFE is first in Airlines with United Airlines posed to introduce similar service in few weeks and also Air New Zealand. Such all business lay out reduces seat count to 100 from 181. This certainly will make more 'tube' and thus 'claustrophobic'(Thanks to Airbus who decided LD3 was more important than passenger) A340-500 into more roomy atmosphere. yourfile-1.gif.jpeg

Photo Courtesy of Singapore Airlines

This will also make more room for cargo freights as there are far less passengers and although business class do tend to offer more baggages, business women/men tend not to carry heavy items. Such move thus will possibly make more profit than current routing.

Change to all business class for EWR and LAX bound flight will be completed by end of September by which time all A340-500 will be retrofitted with all business lay out. Thus from this September Economy and First class passengers will only be able to use EWR and LAX service on one-stop service.
