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느는것이 있다면 잡생각 뿐이군요.
요즘 살면서 느낀것이 있다면 제자신을 여러가지 정신적 충격으로부터 보호하기 위한 정신적 보호막을 너무나도 많이 쳐놓은듯 싶습니다. 이런 보호막이 좋은 것 같기도 하지만 하루 하루 일상을 느끼는 것을 방해하는 듯합니다. 마치 제자신을 미쉘린 타이어 미라 마냥 휴지로 깜싸놓은듯 하군요....
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블로그도 조금더 신선한 내용으로 개편할 예정입니다~ 항공뉴스도 재미있는 것이 꽤 있었는데 귀차니즘으로 올리지 않고 있지만 다시 블로깅에 시간을 좀더 할애하는 쪽으로 노력을 해볼 참입니다.
English version?
Well finally here in Korea, never came back to Korea this early in a while.
surely it is a good feeling to be back in home country. But joy I can feel is minimal, I think I am getting used to whole going to Aus and coming back to Korea thing or may be my emotional side is being desensitised so much for some unknown reason.
But this did prompted me to think why I don't feel things as I used to. I am constantly calculating and worrying about outcomes. Possible explanation I came up to explain this is that I am doing this because I have put too much psychological safety bumpers to protect myself from possible adverse events. I personally did not have too many adverse life events but sth inside evoked me to have this protections. I do not know what will happen in coming years but I decided to remove these protections to better feel the outside world. I don't want to feel like I am separated from the world by 3-inch thick plaster, it is too suffocating-I do not need to remind myself that I am alive all the time, this kind of things should be automatic not passive.
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