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과학의 발달

by puercaeli 2007. 1. 11.
- 실험적(Practical) 사고와 개념적 사고

Early science was largely practical or experimental.
This meant that phenomenon was explained by denoting
the conditions as much as they can at the present time.
Given no knowledge, it was vital process as it would
establish the list of cause-effects which will eventually
allow us to explain the phenomena conceptually based on
these long list of now 'observations' or proofs.

'Science' as we learn at school approaches it
in reverse direction in that it taught students
about the concpet or the 'big picture' then
it uses experiments as examples. It never really
proves that the conept is ture. We are only told that
concept must be ture because in this certain condition
the experiment can be best explained by this conceppt.

This is essentially why, we face so many contradictions
through our high school and (from what I hear)
university science courses. This is in inaccordance
with the fact that science cannot be approached from
conceptual side effectively as it is experimental in natur
and that's how it came to be the modern science.
